diumenge, 25 de maig del 2014


The Aztec calendar stone was carved in 1479. The stone is characterized by the carving of the Aztec sun god in the center and has 20 symbols, each representing another Aztec god, along with 13 numbers representing the days of week.
The sacred Aztec calendar begins with God Tonacatecuhtli, crocodile-shaped, finishes with Mictlantecuhtli is represented as a dog.
  The second half of the sacred calendar provides Xochipili monkey god, as the first and finishes with Xochiquetzal that looks like a flower.


The Tonalpohuali crocodile starts at 1. For the second day, both the number and the symbol wind changed to 2, followed by the 3rd house, and so on until 13 cane, which is the time when the Aztec week ends. The fourteenth day in the calendar is 1 jaguar, eagle followed by 2. A total of 260 combinations of this type.

The two calendars running simultaneously, and the same day at the same time Tonalphohuali falling on the solar calendar once every 52 years, so the Aztecs measured these periods of 52 years as we measure the centuries today




                  -Goddness of beauty and love.


             - The god of rain, thunder and lightning.


              - Are celestial spirits or demons that continually try to destroy the world:


         - God of the gods.

         - God of the night sky and the god of the young warriors and war.


The theme of the document is the pilgrimage of the Mexica from their original homeland, the mythical city of Aztlan

Tells the story from the Mexica  until they came to the Valley of Mexico, where they founded their capital city Tenochtitlan. According to legend the chief god of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli told them to leave Aztlán searching for a promised sign, which was an eagle perched on a cactus devouring a snake, and find where the signal will found their city.

SYMBOLS: codices.

The Aztecs used pictographic symbols on paper or animal skin called codices.

        - Codice Bouturini


        - Codice Borgia:

        -Codice Borbonicus:


This video explains how was built the azteca civilizacion by BBC.


The Templo Mayor was one of the main temples of the Aztecs in their capital city of Tenochtitlan, which is now Mexico City.
Now only ruins remain and are located within Mexico City.


The Nahua peoples began to migrate into Mesoamerica from northem Mexico in the 6th century.They spread their political influence south.The peoples adopted religious and cultural practices, the foundation for later Aztec culture. They rose to power at such sites as Tula, Hidalgo. 
The Nahua power center was in Azcapotzalco, from where the Tepanecs dominated the valley of Mexico. Around this time the Mexica tribe arrived in central Mexico. At the time of their arrival, the Valley of Mexico had many city-states, the most powerful of which were Culhuacan to the sout Azcapotzalco to the west.

According to Aztec legend, in 1323, the Mexicas were shown a vision of an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus, eating a snake. This vision indicated that this was the location where they were to build their home. In any event, the Mexicas eventually arrived on a small swampy island in Lake Texcoco where they founded the town of Tenochtitlan in 1325. For the next 50 years, until 1427, the Mexica had become a regional power, perhaps the most powerful since the Toltecs, centuries earlier. 

Tlacaelel one of the primary architects of the Aztec empire ordered the burning of most of the extant Aztec books claiming that they contained lies and he rewrote the history of the Aztec people, thus creating a common awareness of history for the Aztecs. This rewriting led directly promoted the belief that the Aztecs were always a powerful and mythic nation. He created the necessity of constant sacrifices to keep the Sun moving.


Hi! We are Laia and Anna and we hope that you learn a lot of things about the Aztecs! Thank you for visiting us!
